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Mein ABC ist elementar (2023)

This site specific installation at Art Library and Material Archive Sitterwerk Foundation, St. Gallen focusing on the appearance of copper in the collection. Produced during an artist residency that invited artists to respond to the collection, the display combines material copper objects and publications focusing on the transformation of copper alongside the commodity chain. It is divided into four different sections: 1) Alchemy; 2) Transformation; 4) Sustainability; and 4) Art. The intervention was developed within the so-called "dynamic order" of the library, an approach that facilitates a constantly changing position of the books on the shelves by means of RFID technology.



Part of My ABC is… series is in collaboration with Stella Carlsen, responsible for the sustainable management of Art Foundry St Gallen (Kunstgiesserei). On September 28th there was a presentation and public discussion moderated by Patricia Hartmann. Acknowledgments: Barbara Biedermann, Katalin Deér, Roland Früh, Felix Lehner, Julia Lütolf, This Keller, Julia Walk, Eveline Wüthrich. Workshop series supported by Kanton St. Gallen, Kulturförderung / Swisslos, Stiftung Temperatio, TISCA Tischhauser Stiftung.


Mein ABC ist elementar
Art Fountry St. Gallen


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Im a Chilean born, London based visual artist and researcher.

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