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Mapping Domeyko (2014-2017)

Ignacy Domeyko was born on the 31st July 1802 in Niedźwiadka Wielka (in present day Belarus), and died on 23 January 1889 in Santiago, Chile. His life and career can be described as typical of a landowner born in the annexed territories and forced to emigrate. Domeyko was born in Kresy Wschodnie (Eastern Borderlands), in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and studied in Vilnius, where he was a member of the Philomath Society, befriended the poet Adam Mickiewicz and participated in the November Uprising. After the collapse of the uprising, he emigrated to Prussia, and later to France, where he completed his graduate studies in mining. In winter of 1838, he left for Chile to take up the post of a lecturer in chemistry and study the geology of the country.

Mapping Domeyko is an attempt to reconstruct the adventures and endeavours of Ignacy Domeyko. Based on his diaries Moje podróże: Pamiętnik wygnańca (My Travels: Memoirs of an Exile), we travelled to Argentina, Belarus, Chile, France, Lithuania and Poland following the steps of Domeyko. During these trips, we collected archival materials and produced new artworks, including drawings, maps, moving images, photographs, performances, objects, and writings that were exhibited as a site-specific installations. Project developed in collaboration with Jakub Bojczuk.


Mapping Domeyko, Łaźnia Centre for Contemporary Art, 2017


Revista Atlas by Mane Adaro, 2017
Curated by Agnieszka Kulazińska

Mapping Domeyko, 2017
